All orders are automatically processed and delivered. The average delivery time for all products is 2-3 hours. Orders are started within an hour, sometimes it can happen that it takes longer before your order is started, this is due to overload on the server. Below you will find how long it takes on average before delivery starts per product category.
If you do not see any results after 12 hours or if you have a question about your order, please email [email protected]
Processing time Comments All comments are custom written, which is why they have a processing time of 24 hours!
  • 10 minutesYour order is being processed

    After your order has been placed, it will be automatically processed.
  • 10 minutes to 1 hourStart delivery

    Delivery usually starts within an hour. With some products this takes longer.
  • 0-24 hoursOrder Complete

    Most products are delivered within 24 hours. Exceptions are indicated below and the exact delivery speed can also be found on the product pages.


Start-up time: 0-1 hour*
*except UK followers, they have a startup time of 24 hours and a slow delivery time of 20-30 per day **Instagram comments are custom written and have a processing time of 24 hours


Start-up time: approx. 30 min. The TikTok products are often quickly started up and delivered, usually within an hour. It sometimes happens that the server is overloaded, so it can take a few hours before your order is started. *Youtube comments are custom written and have a processing time of 24 hours


Average startup time of views and likes: 1-2 hours Average startup time youtube subscribers: 12-24 hours *YouTube comments are custom written and have a processing time of 24 hours


All Spotify orders have an average start-up time of 12-24 hours


Average start-up time: 3-4 hours


Average start-up time: 2-3 hours