Questions about your order

Our customer service is available 7 days a week to answer questions about your order or our products.

Social Boost LTD


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IBAN: BE12 9672 7302 8892

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    Important Info

    Customer service

    Depending on how busy it is, it can sometimes take up to 24 hours before your email is answered. We do our best to answer you as soon as possible! Please include your order number so that we can assist you as soon as possible

    Delivery times

    All orders are automatically started and processed. In most cases your order will be delivered within 2-3 hours. Some products, such as Spotify, have a long delivery time. Read more about the delivery times per product.

    Warranty and Refunds

    Most products have a 30-day guarantee, which means if your followers, likes, streams, views etc. are lost they will be refilled for free for you. Some products have a one-year warranty, which is stated on the product page.
    If you are dissatisfied with your order and want a refund? Contact us so that we can find a suitable solution together.